Your car windscreen is more likely to mist up in winter as water vapour is created when your body heat interacts with the cold air inside the vehicle, increasing the amount of moisture in the air. This causes condensation which can sit on your windscreen and windows, obstructing your view.
It is important that you clear your windscreen before setting off on any journeys. Take a look at our helpful guide and keep your view clear this winter.
Firstly, try using your heater to clear condensation from your windscreen. Allow time for your heater to warm up, as hot air is more effective than cold air at ‘drying’ the condensation from the glass. Make sure your heater is positioned so that it is blowing on your front and then rear windscreen.
If you have it, you can also use your air conditioning as this will effectively keep the area inside the car dry. In conjunction with the heater, this should efficiently clear your windscreen and keep it clear while you are driving.
If your air conditioning does not clear your windscreen quickly or effectively, the gas in your system may require a top up. Book an Air Con Top-Up at Setyres to keep it in good working order.
If you don’t have air conditioning, or to speed up the process, you can also open a window to allow dry air to enter the cabin of the car.
To clear condensation, rain or other obstructions from the outside of your windscreen you can use your windscreen wipers. First, make sure that your windscreen wipers are in good condition by checking them visually for any signs of damage which may include frays, tears or cuts on the rubber. In addition, if your windscreen wipers make scraping or squeaking signs when passing the glass or do not clear water from your windscreen effectively then it is time to have them replaced.
As well as affecting your view of the road, damaged windscreen wipers can cause more expensive damage to your windscreen so you should replace them as soon as possible.
Check your windscreen washer fluid by opening the bonnet of your car and ensuring that your fluid sits comfortably above the minimum marking. If it does not, you should fill the container according to your vehicle manufacturer instructions – bearing in mind that you may need to use a fluid which contains antifreeze while temperatures are low.
As well as condensation, ice and snow can obstruct your view of the road during winter. You should allow extra time in the mornings when freezing temperatures are expected to clear your windscreen and windows.
Switch on your heaters and air conditioning first as this will help ice and snow to melt, making removing it easier! Then use an ice scraper to clear all windows and mirrors. You may also wish to invest in a de-icer spray to help you remove ice and snow quickly.
Although it is tempting, you should avoid using your windscreen wipers to remove ice and snow as they may be stuck to the glass and this can cause them to break. You also should not use boiling water as the change in temperature could shatter your windscreen.